Grey anderson

I just figured if I'm going to be a mess — might as well be a hot mess, right?


Grey Anderson

Price list

Rent and Services

Terms and Conditions

Do's and Don'ts


Hello! First off, my name is Grey and it's a pleasure to meet you (to whoever reads this). Some people might think that I'm a cold or an intimidating person, but actually, I'm a soft person — might as well be softer than tofu (jokes aside). I use Song Kang as my main face claim, while my sides are Sehun and Jung Jaewon. I can say that I'm such a random person so I'm into any kinds of conversation topics such as crime, horror, science, history, you name it. I mean, I'm totally down for it so you don't need to worry if you feel like our conversation becomes dry. I'm more like a meme person, which means I might send you lots of memes (whether it's a form of reaction or message). Oh, also, I like sending random TikTok videos or funny tweets. TMI, but I'm a sleepyhead, thus I might accidentally leave you to sleep (yes, I fall asleep quite often). There's no ghosting since I'll always tell you if I'm about to be away, except for falling asleep.

I love watching movies, series, or anime (though if I have this bad habit of putting them on hold or dropping them). No one asked, but my all-time favorite is the Haunting of... anthology series. I swear, I would love to re-watch it over and over! If you ask what my favorite anime is, it will be Attack on Titan (I know it's kinda overrated). I'm into thriller, action, comedy, and slice of life genres. I don't really like horror due to its jumpscares (sucks), but I somehow can still watch it. I listen to music all the time and the music genres that I fancy are ballad, pop, jazz (I love old jazz), acoustic/folk, and indie/alternative. Well, I guess it's almost every kind of genre? It's quite random, tbh. I do play games, but mostly I play PC games. And no, I don't play Genshin Impact, unfortunately.

I like being given nicknames. Honestly, you can call me baby, babe, even the rude ones (a hoe and a bitch lol), whatever you can think of! My love languages are gift-giving (I'll give you songs and poems), quality time (we can watch, play, food date (I'm down for Indomie date or any kind of food), or listen to music together), physical touch (I LOVE cuddles and kisses), and words of affirmation. FYI, I can help you with your assignments or tasks, as long as I understand the materials. Last but not least, if you need anyone to lean on or perhaps, someone to listen to your thoughts, I can be one too. I might not be able to help much, but at least I can listen to you.

P.S. The Twitter icon below at the end of the page will be directed to my agency's account, the will direct you to "More Information" which we may have a few things in common, and as for the document will direct you to my testimonials page.
P.P.S. My working hours start at 10:00 AM and end at 10:00 PM
P.P.P.S. I'm used to using English for plotting or imagining instead of using Indonesian because I suck at it.

Price List

1. SFW: Rp 7000
2. NSFW: Rp 9000
3. VIP SFW: Rp 12000
4. VIP NSFW: Rp 16000

Paid Extra Service:
1. Movie date: Rp 6000 per movie
* Through Caracal or Tutturu
2. Spotify Session: Rp 3000 per hour
3. Stay up late: Rp 3000 per hour
4. Put name on bio: Rp 1000 per day
5. TL interaction: Rp 2000 per day

Free Extra Service:
1. Typing
2. Request Face Claim

Terms and Conditions

1. Respect each other's privacy.
2. Tell me right away if I happen to make you feel uncomfortable.
3. Must confirm that you are 18 or older to use NSFW service.
4. Tell what name you prefer to be called.

1. Don't cross the boundaries (asking RL kinds of stuff).
2. Don't use this kind of service if you're currently in a relationship.
3. Don't use offensive words when joking around, especially all the swear words related to genitals.
4. Don't use the NSFW service if you are under the age of 18.